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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
802.11n (1) access to Internet (1) Accessibility (1)
Acoustic sensor networks (1) activity-centric system (1) Adaptation models (1)
adaptive stream processing (1) adopted container approach (1) Algorithm design and analysis (1)
algorithms (1) AllJoyn communication framework (1) Alternative architectures (1)
ambient intelligence (1) analytical model (1) Androids (2)
Anomaly detection (1) AntidoteDB (1) apache flink (1)
application performance evaluation (1) approximate computation (1) Babel (1)
Batteries (1) battery consumption reduction (1) Biological system modeling (1)
blockchain (7) blockchain technologies key services (1) blockchain-based distributed (1)
BMX6 (1) Bottom-up broadband (1) Broadband communication (1)
C++ languages (1) Candidate selection (1) Candidate selection algorithms (1)
Capital expenditure (1) centralized interface (1) Channel Assignment (1)
circular economy (5) climate change (1) cloud computing (13)
cloud federation (1) cloud infrastructure (1) cloud services (3)
cloud storage (4) cloud storage service (1) cloud-based service provision (1)
Clouds (5) Cloudy platform (1) Cloudy software stack (1)
CNBUB (1) Collaboration (4) Collaboration awareness (1)
collaborative cloud services (1) collaborative distributed architecture (1) collaborative edge cloud (1)
collaborative governance service (1) collaborative governance system (1) Collaborative learning (2)
collaborative resource sharing (1) collaborative sensing (1) collaborative sensing platform (1)
Collaborative systems (1) Collaborative work (1) Collective infrastructure;; Community networks; Cloud commons; Shared infrastructure (1)
Collectives (1) commercial model (1) Common pool resource (2)
Common-pool resources (1) Common-pool resources. (1) Commons (2)
communication infrastructure (1) Communities (4) community cloud (4)
community cloud system (1) community clouds (8) community mesh networks (1)
Community network (4) community network clouds (1) community networks (28)
community of practice (1) community-built telecommunication networks (1) community-lab (1)
Computational modeling (1) Computer architecture (4) computer centres (1)
computer network security (1) Computers (1) computing constrained-devices (2)
computing infrastructure (1) Conferences (2) conflict graph (1)
conflict-free replicated data types (1) consistent replicated data storage layer (1) constraints (1)
consumer-oriented scenarios (1) Containers (3) content management (1)
Context (2) Context modeling (1) cooperation effort (1)
CoSP (1) Cost sharing (1) Cost-sharing (1)
COTS IEEE802.11 routers (1) CRDT (1) CRDT-based data structures (1)
Crowdsourced networks (1) Crowdsourcing (2) Cryptography (1)
customer services (1) customized services (1) Data centers (1)
data privacy (1) data replication (1) data structures (1)
dblp (31) decentralized clouds (1) decentralized collaborative governance (1)
decentralized edge clouds (1) decentralized edge microclouds (1) decentralized IP networks (1)
decentralized storage system (1) decision making (1) Decision support systems (1)
deep learning (1) digital devices (4) digital product passport (1)
digital transformation (1) DIMON (1) distributed databases (1)
distributed home servers (1) Distributed ledger (2) distributed ledger technology (1)
distributed monitoring (1) distributed processing (2) distributed resource sharing (2)
Distributed storage (1) economic characteristics (1) Economic incentives (1)
Economic regulation (1) Economic resource allocation (1) Economic sustainability (1)
Economics (3) ecosystem (1) edge cloud computing (3)
edge cloud service provision (1) edge clouds (1) edge community network microclouds (1)
Edge computing (6) edge computing clouds (1) edge computing devices (1)
edge computing services (1) edge devices (1) edge microclouds (1)
edge platforms (1) education (1) Educational institutions (1)
Eigenvectors method (2) electronic money (1) embedded learning (1)
Embedded machine learning (1) embedded systems (1) emergency response (1)
End-to-End Quality Prediction (1) engineering education (1) Engines (1)
environmental impact (1) Ethereum (1) False accusation (1)
Fault detection (2) fault tolerance (1) fault tolerant cloud computing (1)
fault-tolerant (2) federated learning (2) Federation (1)
gateway selection (1) Global Positioning System (2) Graphical user interfaces (1)
grid resource discovery (1) groupware (1) (1) community network (1) Hardware (4) hardware platform (1)
hardware platforms (1) History-Based Prediction (1) HTTP/2 (1)
human-based wireless sensor networks (1) Humanoid robots (2) hypercube (1)
Hyperledger Fabric (1) ICT4D (1) ICT4D projects (1)
IEEE 802.11 Standards (1) IEEE 802.11s Standard (1) important barriers (1)
important limitation (1) Incentive mechanism (2) incentive mechanisms (2)
incentive mechanisms. (1) incentive schemes (1) Indirect blockmodeling (1)
industrial-oriented scenarios (1) information sharing (1) Information-centric networking (1)
Infrastructura col·lectiva (1) Infrastructure as commons (1) Infrastructure deployment (1)
Infrastructure management (1) innovative tailored edge service (1) Internet (5)
Internet access cost (1) Internet of things (6) Internet of Things domain (1)
Internet of Things services (1) internet-of-things (1) IoT (3)
IoT data management (2) IoT domain (1) IoT service deployments (1)
IP network (1) IP networks (1) Irrigation (1)
keyword spotting (1) L2 experiments (1) L2 topology management (1)
Large Distributed Systems (1) Large-scale networked infrastructures (1) Large-scale shared computational infrastructures (1)
leader election (1) learning (1) learning monitoring (1)
Libraries (1) licences (1) light edge networks (1)
lightweight devices (1) Link quality prediction (1) Link quality tracking (1)
Linux (1) livelong civic engagement (1) load balancing (1)
Local access (1) local container-based services (1) local development (1)
local resource-constraint edge devices (1) local servers (1) local stakeholders (1)
Logic gates (1) long-range networks (1) Loosely coupled work (1)
LoRa (4) LoRaWAN (1) Low-cost technology (1)
machine learning (3) Markov chain (1) Markov chains (2)
maximum performance (1) Measurement (1) Measurements (1)
mesh (1) mesh network (1) mesh networks (6)
mesh routing (1) microclouds (2) Microcontrollers (1)
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (1) mobile applications (1) Mobile Collaboration (3)
Mobile communication (1) mobile computing (2) mobile devices (1)
mobile work (1) Modeling of systems (1) Monitoring (1)
monitoring servers (1) MPTCP (1) multi-agent systems (1)
Multi-Channel (1) multi-hop routing (1) Multi-Radio (1)
Multiplex (1) Network characterisation (1) network edge (3)
network edge leveraging (1) network graphs (1) network infrastructures (1)
network monitoring (1) network partition condition (1) network partitions (1)
network services (1) Network sustainability (1) network toplogy generator (1)
Network topology (1) Network Topology Prediction (1) networks edge (1)
non-technical activities (1) non-technical participation motivation (1) OIoT (1)
open commons (1) open extensible platform (1) Open source software (1)
OpenFlow SDN protocol (1) Operational expenditure (1) opportunistic Internet of Things platform (1)
opportunistic IoT community management (1) opportunistic networks (1) Opportunistic routing (4)
OSLR (1) outsourcing (1) P2P overlay networks (1)
path capacity (1) Peer-to-peer computing (7) Performance (1)
Performance evaluation (3) Performance modeling (1) pervasive computing (1)
platform cooperativism (2) Positioning (1) Prediction algorithms (1)
Pricing (1) privacy-preserving application (1) production network (1)
project based learning (1) protocols (1) provisioning infrastructure (1)
public policy (1) QUIC (1) radio networks (2)
randomized sampling (1) Reflective learning (1) regulation mechanism (1)
reliable edge-based eventually-consistent monitoring system (1) reliable monitoring (1) remote cloud data centers (1)
Resilience (1) Resource allocation (2) Resource congestion (1)
resource contributions (1) reuse (2) role detection (1)
Routing (4) routing metrics (1) Routing Protocols (2)
SDN techniques (1) Self-adaptative (1) self-configuring protocol (1)
Self-organised governance systems (1) self-organized distributed monitoring system (1) Self-organized governance systems (1)
Self-provisioning (2) Sensors (2) Servers (3)
service discovery (1) service extension (1) service placement (1)
service pricing (1) Shapley value (1) Situated micro-display (1)
smart contracts (1) smart devices (1) smart homes (1)
smart objects (1) Smart phones (1) smart things (1)
smartphone-based sensing (2) smartphones (1) social characteristics (1)
Social Effort (1) social impact (1) social mobile collaboration (1)
social network analysis (1) Social network services (1) social networking (online) (1)
social networks (1) social structure (1) software architecture (1)
software defined networking (1) software infrastructure (1) software performance evaluation (1)
software platforms (2) software reliability (1) software services (1)
software tools (1) specific business case (1) specific local needs (1)
stateful functions (1) static resilience (1) Statistical analysis (1)
Stochastic network evolution (1) Subscribers usage patterns (1) Support vector machines (1)
sustainability (3) Sustainable development (2) system monitoring (1)
Tactile sensors (1) Tahoe LAFS distributed storage service (1) tailored edge services (1)
tailored services (1) Teamwork (1) technical characteristics (1)
technical communities (1) Telecommunications (2) Testbed (1)
third parties (1) third-party service providers (1) third-party services (1)
Time series analysis (2) Time-Series Analysis (1) Topology (1)
Topology patterns (2) traceability (1) Training (1)
transient solution (2) ubiquitous computing (1) ubiquitous systems (1)
Uniformization. (2) urban emergencies (1) use-value (1)
user behavioural patterns (1) user generated content network (1) user modelling (1)
user provided network (1) user-centric cloud-based services (1) user-controlled infrastructure (1)
Vandermonde system (2) verifiability (1) virtualization (2)
Visual feedback (1) volunteer microclouds (1) WEEE (1)
Wide area networks (1) wiereless community networks (1) Wireless communication (5)
wireless community network testbed (1) wireless community networks (4) Wireless Mesh Network (1)
Wireless mesh networks (2) Wireless network (2) Wireless network dataset (2)
wireless networks (3) Wireless technology (1) wireless testbed (1)
Xarxes comunals (1)