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L. Cerdà-Alabern and Casals, O., A New Proposal to Simplify the ABR Service Management by an Effective CCR Usage. Expert Platform for Engineering Research and Trials (EXPERT), 1997.
European Project, ACTS 094
L. Cerdà-Alabern and Casals, O., ATM Networks Performance Modelling and Analysis, vol. 2, D. Kouvatsos, Ed. London: Chapman & Hall, 1996, pp. 400–413.
L. Cerdà-Alabern and Casals, O., Improvements and Performance Study of the Conformance Definition for the ABR Service in ATM Networks. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 1996.
L. Cerdà-Alabern and Casals, O., A Simulation Study of Switching Mechanisms for ABR Service in ATM Networks. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 1996.
L. Cerdà-Alabern and Casals, O., Improvements and Performance Study of the Conformance Definition for the ABR Service in ATM Networks. Expert Platform for Engineering Research and Trials (EXPERT), 1996.
European Project, ACTS 094
L. Cerdà-Alabern, García, J., and Casals, O., A Study of the Fairness of the Fast Reservation Protocol. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 1996.
L. Cerdà-Alabern and Casals, O., A Simulation Study of Switching Mechanisms for ABR Service in ATM Networks. Expert Platform for Engineering Research and Trials (EXPERT), 1996.
European Project, ACTS 094
L. Cerdà-Alabern and Iuhasz, G., Anomaly Detection in Wireless Community Networks using PCA, in Jornadas de Concurrencia y Sistemas Distribuidos 2020+1, Barcelona, Spain, 2021.
L. Cerdà-Alabern, Baig, R., and Navarro, L., On the community network economics, Computer Networks, vol. 168, p. 107067, 2020.
L. Cerdà-Alabern, Transient Solution of Markov Chains Using the Uniformized Vandermonde Method. 2010.
L. Cerdà-Alabern, Closed Form Transient Solution of Continuous Time Markov Chains Through Uniformization, in 7th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, Valuetools, Torino, Italy, 2013.
Best paper award.
L. Cerdà-Alabern and Iuhasz, G., Dataset for anomaly detection in a production wireless mesh community network, Data in Brief, vol. 49, p. 109342, 2023.
L. Cerdà-Alabern, Neumann, A., and Escrich, P., Experimental Evaluation of a Wireless Community Mesh Network, in The 16th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, MSWiM'13, Barcelona, Spain, 2013.
L. Cerdà-Alabern, Dataset for Anomaly Detection in a Production Wireless Mesh Community Network. 2022.
P. Chacin, Freitag, F., Navarro, L., Chao, I., Ardaiz, O., Stavrakakis, I., and Smirnov, M., Integration of Decentralized Economic Models for Resource Self-management in Application Layer Networks., in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, vol. 3854, pp. 214–225.
P. Chacin, León, X., Brunner, R., Freitag, F., and Navarro, L., Core Services for Grid Markets, in The CoreGRID Symposium (CGSYMP 2008), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2008.
P. Chacin and Navarro, L., Collectives: a framework for self-adaptive P2P applications, in ARM’07: Proceedings of the 6th international workshop on Adaptive and reflective middleware, New York, NY, USA, 2007, pp. 1–3.
I. Chao, Brunner, R., Freitag, F., Navarro, L., Chacin, P., Ardaiz, O., Joita, L., and Rana, O. F., A decentralized grid market infrastructure for service oriented grids, Wirtschaftsinformatik, vol. 1, pp. 25-30, 2008.
A. Chib, Kam, M., and Burrell, J., Eds., Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, ICTD 2015, Singapore, May 15 - 18, 2015. {ACM}, 2015.
M. E. Coimbra, Selimi, M., Francisco, A. P., Freitag, F., and Veiga, L., Gelly-scheduling: Distributed Graph Processing for Service Placement in Community Networks, in Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, New York, NY, USA, 2018.
A. Darehshoorzadeh, Cerdà-Alabern, L., and Pla, V., Routing in Opportunistic Networks, I. Woungang, Dhurandher, S. K., Anpalagan, A., and Vasilakos, A. V., Eds. Springer, 2013.
A. Darehshoorzadeh and Cerdà-Alabern, L., Distance Progress Based Opportunistic Routing for Wireless Mesh Networks, in Cognitive and Cooperative Nets Workshop (IWCMC2012-Cognitive), Limassol, Cyprus, 2012.
A. Darehshoorzadeh and Cerdà-Alabern, L., A New Multicast Opportunistic Routing Protocol for Wireless Networks, in IFIP Networking 2011: Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Radio Networks Workshop (PC-CRN), 2011, vol. 6827.
A. Darehshoorzadeh and Cerdà-Alabern, L., Candidate Selection Algorithms in Opportunistic Routing, in 5th ACM International Workshop on Performance Monitoring, Measurement and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Wireless and Wired Networks, (PM2HW2N), 2010, pp. 48–54.
A. Darehshoorzadeh, Cerdà-Alabern, L., and Pla, V., Modeling and comparison of candidate selection algorithms in opportunistic routing, Computer Networks, vol. 55, pp. 2886–2898, 2011.
