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Found 480 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
R. González and Cerdà-Alabern, L., Evaluación de las Funciones de Coordinación del Estándar IEEE 802.11 como Mecanismos para Calidad de Servicio, in Proc. of XIV Jornadas Telecom I+D, Barcelona, 2004.
J. Manuel Marquès, Navarro, L., and Daradoumis, T., Extending the Scope of Asynchronous Collaboration: A Matter of Being Autonomous and Self-Sufficient, in WETICE’04: Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, Washington, DC, USA, 2004, pp. 87–92.
J. Mitre and Navarro, L., P2P Architecture for Scientific Collaboration, in WETICE, 2004, pp. 95–100.
J. Acosta, Navarro, L., Bubak, M., G. Van Albada, D., Sloot, P. M. A., and Dongarra, J., Performance Evaluation of the Fast Consistency Algorithms in Large Decentralized Systems., in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004, vol. 3036, pp. 615–618.
R. Guimarães, Morillo, J., Cerdà-Alabern, L., Barceló-Ordinas, J. - M., and García, J., Quality of Service for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks: an Overview. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2004.
L. Cerdà-Alabern, Barceló-Ordinas, J. - M., and García, J., A Reservation Scheme Satisfying Bandwidth QoS Constrains for Ad-hoc Networks. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2004.
P. de Cleyn, Van den Wijngaert, N., Cerdà-Alabern, L., and Blondia, C., A smooth handoff scheme using IEEE 802.11 triggers - design and implementation, Computer Networks, vol. 45, pp. 345–361, 2004.
C. Hervé V. Aïache, Barceló-Ordinas, J. - M., Blondia, C., Boukalov, A., Cerdà-Alabern, L., de Cleyn, P., Delaigle, J., García, J., González, X., Guimarães, R., Jaskiewicz, D., Karvo, J., Lara, E., Meessen, J., Morillo, J., Pascual, A., Parisot, C., Pérez-Neira, A., Realp, M., Romaszko, S., Santos, E., Voorhaen, M., and Zhao, S., Specification of IP Stack for Advanced Ad Hoc Network. Wireless Deployable Network System (WIDENS), 2004.
European Project, Sixth Framework Programme, FP6-2002-IST-1/ IST-2002-, Mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G
C. Hervé V. Aïache, Barceló-Ordinas, J. - M., Blondia, C., Boukalov, A., Cerdà-Alabern, L., de Cleyn, P., Delaigle, J., García, J., González, X., Guimarães, R., Jaskiewicz, D., Karvo, J., Lara, E., Meessen, J., Morillo, J., Pascual, A., Parisot, C., Pérez-Neira, A., Realp, M., Romaszko, S., Santos, E., Voorhaen, M., and Zhao, S., Specification of Low Layer Interface - IP/MAC Mapping -. Wireless Deployable Network System (WIDENS), 2004.
European Project, Sixth Framework Programme, FP6-2002-IST-1/ IST-2002-, Mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G
L. Cerdà-Alabern, Vena, F., and Casals, O., Study of the TCP Dynamics over Wireless Networks with Micromobility Support Using the ns Simulator, Wireless Networks, vol. 10, pp. 17–27, 2004.
C. Hervé V. Aïache, Barceló-Ordinas, J. - M., Blondia, C., Boukalov, A., Cerdà-Alabern, L., Delaigle, J., Filali, F., García, J., González, X., Guibé, G., Guimarães, R., Karvo, J., Knopp, R., Lara, E., Nikaein, N., Masson, S., Meessen, J., Mekrazi, S., Meriläinen, V., Morillo, J., Pascual, A., Parisot, C., Pérez-Neira, A., Realp, M., Romaszko, S., Santos, E., and Voorhaen, M., System Specifications. Wireless Deployable Network System (WIDENS), 2004.
European Project, Sixth Framework Programme, FP6-2002-IST-1/ IST-2002-, Mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G
C. Hervé V. Aïache, Barceló-Ordinas, J. - M., Blondia, C., Boukalov, A., Cerdà-Alabern, L., Delaigle, J., Filali, F., García, J., González, X., Guimarães, R., Karvo, J., Knopp, R., Lara, E., Nikaein, N., Masson, S., Meessen, J., Mekrazi, S., Meriläinen, V., Morillo, J., Parisot, C., Pérez-Neira, A., Realp, M., Romaszko, S., Santos, E., and Voorhaen, M., User Requirements and First System Architecture Design. Wireless Deployable Network System (WIDENS), 2004.
European Project, Sixth Framework Programme, FP6-2002-IST-1/ IST-2002-, Mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G
O. Ardaiz and Navarro, L., Xweb: A Framework for Application Network Deployment in a Programmable Internet Service Infrastructure., in PDP, 2004, p. 398.
L. Joita, Rana, O. F., Chacin, P., Chao, I., Freitag, F., Navarro, L., and Ardaiz, O., Application Deployment using Catallactic Grid middleware, in MGC’05: Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Middleware for grid computing, New York, NY, USA, 2005, pp. 1–6.
O. Ardaiz, Chacin, P., Chao, I., Freitag, F., and Navarro, L., An architecture for incorporating decentralized economic models in application layer networks., Multiagent and Grid Systems, vol. 1, pp. 287–295, 2005.
J. Manuel Marquès and Navarro, L., Autonomous and Self-sufficient Groups: Ad Hoc Collaborative Environments, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, vol. 3706, pp. 57–72.
T. Eymann, Reinicke, M., Streitberger, W., Rana, O. F., Joita, L., Neumann, D., Schnizler, B., Veit, D., Ardaiz, O., Chacin, P., Chao, I., Freitag, F., Navarro, L., Catalano, M., Gallegati, M., Giulioni, G., Schiaffino, R. Carvajal, and Zini, F., Catallaxy-based Grid markets, Multiagent Grid Systems, vol. 1, pp. 297–307, 2005.
T. Eymann, Reinicke, M., Freitag, F., Navarro, L., Ardaiz, O., and Artigas, P., A hayekian self-organization approach to service allocation in computing systems., Advanced Engineering Informatics, vol. 19, pp. 223–233, 2005.
P. Chacin, Freitag, F., Navarro, L., Chao, I., Ardaiz, O., Stavrakakis, I., and Smirnov, M., Integration of Decentralized Economic Models for Resource Self-management in Application Layer Networks., in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, vol. 3854, pp. 214–225.
R. González and Cerdà-Alabern, L., A QoS mechanism for videoconferencing support in 802.11 Hotspots, in HET-NETS'05, Ilkley, UK, 2005, pp. P22/1-P22/10.
R. Guimarães, Morillo, J., Cerdà-Alabern, L., Barceló-Ordinas, J. - M., and García, J., Redes Inalámbricas de Emergencia Pública, el Proyecto WIDENS, in Proc. of XV Jornadas Telecom I+D, Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Málaga, Valencia, Spain, 2005.
L. Cerdà-Alabern, Voorhaen, M., Guimarães, R., Barceló-Ordinas, J. - M., García, J., and Blondia, C., A Reservation Scheme Satisfying Bandwidth QoS Constraints for Ad-hoc Networks, in Wireless Systems and Mobility in Next Generation Internet, 2005, vol. 3427, pp. 176–188.
L. Cerdà-Alabern, Voorhaen, M., Guimarães, R., Barceló-Ordinas, J. - M., García, J., Morillo, J., and Blondia, C., A Reservation Scheme Satisfying Bandwidth QoS Constraints for Multirate Ad-hoc Networks, in 14th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit, Dresden, Germany, 2005.
C. Hervé V. Aïache, Conan, V., Guibé, G., Leguay, J., Le Martretch, C., Barceló-Ordinas, J. - M., Cerdà-Alabern, L., García, J., Knopp, R., Nikaein, N., González, X., Zeini, A., Apilo, O., Boukalov, A., Karvo, J., Koskinen, H., Bergonzi, L. R., Diaz, J. - C., Meessen, J., Blondia, C., de Cleyn, P., Van de Velde, E., and Voorhaen, M., WIDENS: Wireless Ad-Hoc Network for Public Safety, in 14th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit, Dresden, Germany, 2005.
R. Guimarães and Cerdà-Alabern, L., Adaptive QoS Reservation Scheme for Ad-hoc Networks, in Proc. of Third EuroNGI Workshop on Wireless and Mobility, Siges, Spain, 2006.
