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Found 479 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Conference Proceedings
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Middleware for Edge Clouds & Cloudlets, MECC@Middleware 2017, Las Vegas, NV, USA, December 11 - 15, 2017. {ACM}, 2017.
Proceedings of the IFIP Wireless Days, WD 2013, Valencia, Spain, November 13-15, 2013. {IEEE}, 2013.
A. Chib, Kam, M., and Burrell, J., Eds., Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, ICTD 2015, Singapore, May 15 - 18, 2015. {ACM}, 2015.
A. Neumann, Fu, X., and Karl, H., Prototype Implementation and Performance Evaluation of a QoS-Conditionalized Handoff Scheme for Mobile IPv6 Networks, In Proceedings of the 18th Annual IEEE Computer Communications Workshop (CCW 2003). IEEE Press, California, USA, 2003.
Prototyping Incentive-based Resource Assignment for Clouds in Community Networks. Zenodo, 2014.
N. Rameshan and Veiga, L., RATS: Resource Aware Thread Scheduling for JVM level Clustering. 2012.
R. Brunner, Freitag, F., and Navarro, L., Self-regulation of Timeliness, Messages and Accuracy in Large-scale Information Aggregation, The 14th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS-2011). 2011.
L. Joita, Rana, O. F., Chao, I., Chacin, P., Freitag, F., Navarro, L., and Ardaiz, O., Service Level Agreements in Catallaxy-Based Grid Markets, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing. Springer US, Boston, MA, pp. 387 - 396, 2008.
A. M. Khan, Freitag, F., Gupta, S., Muntès-Mulero, V., Dominiak, J., and Matthews, P., On Supporting Service Selection for Collaborative Multi-Cloud Ecosystems in Community Networks, Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 2015 IEEE 29th International Conference on . IEEE, Gwangiu , pp. 634 - 641 , 2015.
Journal Article
L. Navarro, Vinas, R. B., Barz, C., Bonicioli, J., Braem, B., Freitag, F., and Vilata-i-Balaguer, I., Advances in wireless community networks with the community-lab testbed, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 54, pp. 20-27, 2016.
L. Navarro, Viñas, R. Baig, Barz, C., Bonicioli, J., Braem, B., Freitag, F., and Balaguer, I. Vilata i, Advances in wireless community networks with the community-lab testbed, {IEEE} Communications Magazine, vol. 54, pp. 20–27, 2016.
L. Cerdà-Alabern, Iuhasz, G., and Gemmi, G., Anomaly detection for fault detection in wireless community networks using machine learning, Computer Communications, vol. 202, pp. 191-203, 2023.
L. Joita, Rana, O. F., Chacin, P., Chao, I., Freitag, F., Navarro, L., and Ardaiz, O., Application Deployment on Catallactic Grid Middleware, IEEE Distributed Systems Online, vol. 7, p. 1, 2006.
O. Ardaiz, Chacin, P., Chao, I., Freitag, F., and Navarro, L., An architecture for incorporating decentralized economic models in application layer networks., Multiagent and Grid Systems, vol. 1, pp. 287–295, 2005.
R. Pueyo-Centelles, Freitag, F., Meseguer, R., and Navarro, L., Beyond the Star of Stars: An Introduction to Multihop and Mesh for LoRa and LoRaWAN, IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 20, pp. 63-72, 2021.
A. Rao Kabbinale, Dimogerontakis, E., Selimi, M., Ali, A., Navarro, L., Sathiaseelan, A., and Crowcroft, J., Blockchain for economically sustainable wireless mesh networks, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2019.
J. Barceló, Bellalta, B., Baig, R., Roca, R., Domingo, A., Sanabria, L., Cano, C., and Oliver, M., Bottom-up Broadband Initiatives in the Commons for Europe Project, CoRR, vol. abs/1207.1031, 2012.
D. Franquesa, Navarro, L., López, D., Bustamante, X., and Lamora, S., Breaking Barriers on Reuse of Digital Devices Ensuring Final Recycling, 2015.
Best paper award
A. Darehshoorzadeh, Cerdà-Alabern, L., and Pla, V., Candidate Selection in Opportunistic Routing based on Distance Progress, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 2015.
B. Braem, Blondia, C., Barz, C., Rogge, H., Freitag, F., Navarro, L., Bonicioli, J., Papathanasiou, S., Garcia, P. Escrich, Viñas, R. Baig, Kaplan, A. L., Neumann, A., Balaguer, I. Vilata i, Tatum, B., and Matson, M., A case for research with and on community networks, Computer Communication Review, vol. 43, pp. 68–73, 2013.
L. Joita, Rana, O. F., Freitag, F., Chao, I., Chacin, P., Navarro, L., and Ardaiz, O., A catallactic market for data mining services., Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 23, pp. 146–153, 2007.
O. Ardaiz, Artigas, P., Eymann, T., Freitag, F., Navarro, L., and Reinicke, M., The catallaxy approach for decentralized economic-based allocation in Grid resource and service markets., Applied Intelligence, vol. 25, pp. 131–145, 2006.
T. Eymann, Reinicke, M., Streitberger, W., Rana, O. F., Joita, L., Neumann, D., Schnizler, B., Veit, D., Ardaiz, O., Chacin, P., Chao, I., Freitag, F., Navarro, L., Catalano, M., Gallegati, M., Giulioni, G., Schiaffino, R. Carvajal, and Zini, F., Catallaxy-based Grid markets, Multiagent Grid Systems, vol. 1, pp. 297–307, 2005.
L. Cerdà-Alabern and Casals, O., Charging of the ABR Service in ATM Networks: A numerical Example, looking .forward, a Supplement to Computer, 1998.
M. Selimi, Khan, A. M., Dimogerontakis, E., Freitag, F., and Pueyo-Centelles, R., Cloud services in the community network, Computer Networks, vol. 93, Part 2, pp. 373 - 388, 2015.
Community Networks
