Welcome to DSG!

The Distributed Systems Group performs research on distributed systems and computer networks in the areas of models, algorithms and software for large, complex, dynamic, decentralized systems and applications. We look at large scale and decentralized community networks and community clouds, economics oriented distributed systems, and resource allocation mechanisms. Activities are around the design, modelling and evaluation of systems through modelling and experimentation in real deployments. Outcomes are system architectures, algorithms, software, regulation and adaptive models, decentralized resource allocation and game-theory based mechanisms. The group consists of four professors and a variable number of PhD and master students.

Main research topics:

networks and systems


Xerrada projectes Aucoop estiu 2023, 18/10 12h, C6-E106

Xerrada presentació dels projectes d'Aucoop estiu 2023

Dia hora: 18/10 12h.
Lloc: C6-E106 del Campus Nord.

Una presentació dels projectes que l'associació Aucoop ha fet aquest estiu amb el suport del Centre de Cooperació pel Desenvolupament de la UPC. Un dels projectes es va fer a Sudàfrica amb el suport del Capítol Català de la Societat Internet (ISOC.CAT) amb el finançament del programa "Beyond the Net" de ISOC Foundation.

Amandla Community Projects va acollir del 23 de juliol al 06 d'agost a quatre estudiants voluntaris de la Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona (UPC) a Xitlhelani (Malamulele, Sudàfrica) amb la finalitat d'establir una xarxa wifi entre el centre comunitari i l'escola secundària Mahuntsi, i en el futur el Laboratori d'Informàtica.

Talk Barath Raghavan 6/10 11h, C6-E101

Computational Agroecology: Rethinking Agriculture with State Spaces

Agriculture has long been central to human civilization. Modern farming practices developed in a long stable period, but that era is now over due to climate change, pest and pathogen evolution, topsoil loss, and fossil fuel depletion. Computing has been used to optimize agricultural systems as-is, but seldom to rethink agriculture itself to meet these challenges. In this talk, I discuss a way of reconceptualizing agriculture using state spaces. I explore how this meta-systematic approach may allow us to design new productive, sustainable, multi-functional, and site-specific farming systems and reconcile approaches such as precision agriculture and agroecology that are often at odds.

Barath Raghavan is an associate professor of computer science at USC and co-founder of INVISV. Before joining USC, he spent many years in engineering and research. Previously he led the engineering team at Nefeli Networks, was a senior staff researcher at ICSI Berkeley, was CTO of a social-impact nonprofit, developed networked systems at Google, and taught complexity theory at Williams College. His work spans an equally diverse range of areas including Internet architecture, sustainable agriculture, and network security and privacy. He received his PhD in Computer Science from UC San Diego in 2009 and his BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley in 2002. He has received a number of paper awards including from ACM SIGCOMM, USENIX/ACM NSDI, ACM DEV, ACM CHI, and the IRTF.