Title | DIMON: Distributed Monitoring System for Decentralized Edge Clouds in Guifi.net |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 2019 |
Authors | Pueyo-Centelles, R, Selimi, M, Freitag, F, Navarro, L |
Conference Name | 2019 IEEE 12th Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA) |
Date Published | 11/2019 |
Keywords | AntidoteDB, centralized interface, cloud computing, community-built telecommunication networks, conflict-free replicated data types, consistent replicated data storage layer, CRDT, CRDT-based data structures, data replication, data structures, decentralized edge clouds, DIMON, distributed databases, distributed monitoring, edge clouds, edge computing clouds, edge devices, Guifi.net, light edge networks, monitoring servers, network monitoring, network partition condition, network partitions, network services, production network, reliable edge-based eventually-consistent monitoring system, self-organized distributed monitoring system, software reliability, system monitoring |
DOI | 10.1109/SOCA.2019.00009 |