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PiCasso: Enabling information-centric multi-tenancy at the edge of community mesh networks

TitlePiCasso: Enabling information-centric multi-tenancy at the edge of community mesh networks
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsSelimi, M, Lertsinsrubtavee, A, Sathiaseelan, A, Cerdà-Alabern, L, Navarro, L
JournalComputer Networks
Date Published09/2019
KeywordsCommon-pool resources., community networks, Edge computing, Information-centric networking, mesh networks
AbstractEdge computing is radically shaping the way Internet services are run by enabling computations to be available close to the users - thus mitigating the latency and performance challenges faced in today’s Internet infrastructure. Emerging markets, rural and remote communities are further away from the cloud and edge computing has indeed become an essential panacea. Many solutions have been recently proposed to facilitate efficient service delivery in edge data centers. However, we argue that those solutions cannot fully support the operations in Community Mesh Networks (CMNs) since the network connection may be less reliable and exhibit variable performance. In this paper, we propose to leverage lightweight virtualisation, Information-Centric Networking (ICN), and service deployment algorithms to overcome these limitations. The proposal is implemented in the PiCasso system, which utilises in-network caching and name based routing of ICN, combined with our HANET (HArdware and NETwork Resources) service deployment heuristic, to optimise the forwarding path of service delivery in a network zone. We analyse the data collected from the Sants network zone, to develop a smart heuristic for the service deployment in that zone. Through a real deployment in, we show that HANET improves the response time up to 53% and 28.7% for stateless and stateful services respectively. PiCasso achieves 43% traffic reduction on service delivery in our real deployment, compared to the traditional host-centric communication. The overall effect of our ICN platform is that most content and service delivery requests can be satisfied very close to the client device, many times just one hop away, decoupling QoS from intra-network traffic and origin server load.