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Socially aware microcloud service overlay optimization in community networks

TitleSocially aware microcloud service overlay optimization in community networks
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsApolónia, N, Freitag, F, Navarro, L, Girdzijauskas, S
JournalSoftware: Practice and Experience
Start Page1
Date Published09/2019
Type of ArticleJournal paper
Keywordscommunity networks, community of practice, microclouds, P2P overlay networks, social networks
AbstractCommunity networks are a growing network cooperation effort by citizens to build and maintain Internet infrastructure in regions that are not available. Adding that, to bring cloud services to community networks (CNs), microclouds were started as an edge cloud computing model where members cooperate using resources. Therefore, enhancing routing for services in CNs is an attractive paradigm that benefits the infrastructure. The problem is the growing consumption of resources for disseminating messages in the CN environment. This is because the services that build their overlay networks are oblivious to the underlying workload patterns that arise from social cooperation in CNs. In this paper, we propose Select in Community Networks (SELECTinCN), which enhances the overlay creation for pub/sub systems over peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. Moreover, SELECTinCN includes social information based on cooperation within CNs by exploiting the social aspects of the community of practice. Our work organizes the peers in a ring topology and provides an adaptive P2P connection establishment algorithm, where each peer identifies the number of connections needed based on the social structure and user availability. This allows us to propagate messages using a reduced number of hops, thus providing an efficient heuristic to an NP-hard problem that maps the workload graph to the structured P2P overlays resulting in a number of messages close to the theoretical minimum. Experiments show that, by using social network information, SELECTinCN reduces the number of relay nodes by up to 89% using the community of practice information versus the state-of-the-art pub/sub notification systems given as baseline.