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Conference Paper
Y. Liu, Rameshan, N., Monte, E., Navarro, L., and Vlassov, V.,
“ProRenaTa: Proactive and Reactive Tuning to Scale a Distributed Storage System”, in
CCGrid 2015, 2015.
N. Rameshan, Liu, Y., Navarro, L., and Vlassov, V.,
“Hubbub-Scale: Towards Reliable Scaling under Multi-Tenancy”, in
16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), 2016.
N. Rameshan, Liu, Y., Navarro, L., and Vlassov, V.,
“Elastic Scaling: A Multi-Tenant Perspective (Invited Paper)”, in
in 6th international workshop on Big Data and Cloud Performance (DCPerf), Co-located with ICDCS, 2016.