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Conference Paper
R. M. Santos, Orozco, J., Ochoa, S. F., and Meseguer, R., The Internet of Things to Support Urban Incident Responses, in Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI), 2013.
D. Vega, Meseguer, R., Freitag, F., and Ochoa, S. F., Motivating the non-technical participation in technical communities, in XIII Jornadas de Concurrencia y Sistemas Distribuidos (JCSD’15), Malaga, Spain, 2015.
D. Vega, Meseguer, R., Freitag, F., and Ochoa, S. F., Motivating the non-technical participation in technical communities, in Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), 2015 IEEE 19th International Conference on, 2015.
C. Blondia, Casals, O., Cerdà-Alabern, L., and Willems, G., Performance Analysis of a Forwarding Scheme for Handoff in HAWAII, in Proc. of Networking 2002, Pisa, Italy, 2002, vol. 2345, pp. 503–514.
D. Moreno, Ochoa, S. F., and Meseguer, R., Providing Ubiquitous Positioning in Outdoor Environments, in Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, 2015.
R. Meseguer, Molina, C., Ochoa, S. F., and Santos, R. M., Reducing Energy Consumption in Human-centric Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC’12), 2012.
D. Moreno, Ochoa, S. F., and Meseguer, R., Understanding confidence of positioning measurements in collaborative outdoor environments, in Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, 2014.
E. Medina, Vega, D., Meseguer, R., Medina, H., Ochoa, S. F., and Magnani, M., Using indirect blockmodeling for monitoring students roles in collaborative learning networks, in Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), 2016.
Journal Article
J. Barceló, Bellalta, B., Baig, R., Roca, R., Domingo, A., Sanabria, L., Cano, C., and Oliver, M., Bottom-up Broadband Initiatives in the Commons for Europe Project, CoRR, vol. abs/1207.1031, 2012.
J. Rodriguez-Covili, Ochoa, S. F., Pino, J. A., Meseguer, R., Medina, E., and Royo, D., A communication infrastructure to ease the development of mobile collaborative applications, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 34, pp. 1883 - 1893, 2011.
Control and Optimization over Wireless Networks
R. Meseguer, Medina, E., Ochoa, S. F., Pino, J. A., Neyem, A., Navarro, L., and Royo, D., Communication support for mobile collaborative work: An experimental study, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, vol. 11, pp. 1035-1063, 2012.
D. Moreno, Ochoa, S. F., and Meseguer, R., A Context-Aware Model to Provide Positioning in Disaster Relief Scenarios, Sensors, vol. 15, no. 10, pp. 25176–25207, 2015.
R. Meseguer, Molina, C., Ochoa, S. F., and Santos, R. M., Energy-Aware Topology Control Strategy for Human-Centric Wireless Sensor Networks, Sensors, vol. 14, pp. 2619–2643, 2014.
M. Micheletto, Petrucci, V., Santos, R. M., Orozco, J., Mossé, D., Ochoa, S. F., and Meseguer, R., Flying Real-Time Network to Coordinate Disaster Relief Activities in Urban Areas, Sensors, vol. 18, p. 1662, 2018.
M. Micheletto, Petrucci, V., Santos, R. M., Orozco, J., Mossé, D., Ochoa, S. F., and Meseguer, R., Flying Real-Time Network to Coordinate Disaster Relief Activities in Urban Areas, Sensors, vol. 18, p. 1662, 2018.
J. Mariano Finochietto, Micheletto, M., Eggly, G. M., Pueyo-Centelles, R., Santos, R., Ochoa, S. F., Meseguer, R., and Orozco, J., An IoT-based infrastructure to enhance self-evacuations in natural hazardous events, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, pp. 1–18, 2021.
J. Mariano Finochietto, Micheletto, M., Eggly, G. M., Pueyo-Centelles, R., Santos, R., Ochoa, S. F., Meseguer, R., and Orozco, J., An IoT-based infrastructure to enhance self-evacuations in natural hazardous events, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, pp. 1–18, 2021.
J. Mariano Finochietto, Micheletto, M., Eggly, G. M., Pueyo-Centelles, R., Santos, R. M., Ochoa, S. F., Meseguer, R., and Orozco, J., An IoT-based infrastructure to enhance self-evacuations in natural hazardous events, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing , vol. 26, pp. 1461–1478, 2022.
J. Mariano Finochietto, Micheletto, M., Eggly, G. M., Pueyo-Centelles, R., Santos, R. M., Ochoa, S. F., Meseguer, R., and Orozco, J., An IoT-based infrastructure to enhance self-evacuations in natural hazardous events, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing , vol. 26, pp. 1461–1478, 2022.
R. Pueyo-Centelles, Freitag, F., Meseguer, R., Navarro, L., Ochoa, S. F., and Santos, R. M., A LoRa-Based Communication System for Coordinated Response in an Earthquake Aftermath, Proceedings, vol. 31, no. 1, p. 73, 2019.
R. Pueyo-Centelles, Meseguer, R., Freitag, F., Navarro, L., Ochoa, S. F., and Santos, R. M., LoRaMoto: A communication system to provide safety awareness among civilians after an earthquake, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 115, pp. 150–170, 2021.
R. M. Santos, Orozco, J., Ochoa, S. F., Meseguer, R., Eggly, G. M., and Pistonesi, M. F., A MAC Protocol to Support Monitoring of Underwater Spaces, Sensors, vol. 16, no. 7, p. 984, 2016.
R. M. Santos, Orozco, J., Ochoa, S. F., Meseguer, R., Eggly, G. M., and Pistonesi, M. F., A MAC Protocol to Support Monitoring of Underwater Spaces, Sensors, vol. 16, no. 7, p. 984, 2016.
E. Medina, López, D., Meseguer, R., Ochoa, S. F., Royo, D., and Santos, R. M., Mobile Autonomous Sensing Unit (MASU): A Framework That Supports Distributed Pervasive Data Sensing, Sensors, vol. 16, no. 7, p. 1062, 2016.
