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Conference Paper
N. Amara-Hachmi, Vilajosana, X., Krishnaswamy, R., Navarro, L., and Marquès, J. Manuel, Towards an Open Grid Marketplace Framework for Resources Trade, in On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007: CoopIS, DOA, ODBASE, GADA, and IS, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007, vol. 4804, pp. 1322 - 1330.
A. Sathiaseelan, Selimi, M., Molina, C., Lertsinsrubtavee, A., Navarro, L., Freitag, F., Ramos, F., and Baig, R., Towards decentralised resilient community clouds, in Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Middleware for Edge Clouds {&} Cloudlets, MECC@Middleware 2017, Las Vegas, NV, USA, December 11 - 15, 2017, 2017, pp. 4:1–4:6.
X. Vilajosana, Lázaro, D., Juan, A. A., and Navarro, L., Towards Decentralized Resource Allocation for Collaborative Peer to Peer Learning, in CISIS ’08: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems, Washington, DC, USA, 2008, pp. 501–506.
M. Selimi, Navarro, L., Braem, B., Freitag, F., and Lertsinsrubtavee, A., Towards Information-Centric Edge Platform for Mesh Networks: The Case of CityLab Testbed, in 2020 IEEE International Conference on Fog Computing (ICFC), 2020.
F. Rodriguez-Haro, Freitag, F., and Navarro, L., Towards Intelligent Management in VM-based Resource Providers, in 1st International DMTF Academic Alliance Workshop on Systems and Virtualization Management: Standards and New Technologies, Toulouse, France, 2007.
F. Rodriguez-Haro, Freitag, F., and Navarro, L., Towards QoS Provision for Virtualized Resources in Grids, in LNCS, Ischia, Italy, 2008.
To appear in post-proceedings.
R. Brunner, Freitag, F., and Navarro, L., Towards the development of a decentralized market information system: Requirements and architecture., in PDCoF’08 The First Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing in Finance (Computational Finance), 2008, pp. 1–7.
P. Millan, Molina, C., Dimogerontakis, E., Navarro, L., Meseguer, R., Braem, B., and Blondia, C., Tracking and Predicting End-to-End Quality in Wireless Community Networks, in Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud), 2015 3rd International Conference on, 2015.
O. Ardaiz, Artigas, P., Diaz de Cerio, L., Freitag, F., Gallardo, A., Meseguer, R., Navarro, L., Royo, D., Sanjeevan, K., F. Rivera, F., Bubak, M., A. Tato, G., and Doallo, R., ULabGrid, an Infrastructure to Develop Distant Laboratories for Undergrad Students over a Grid., in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003, vol. 2970, pp. 265–272.
R. Brunner, Freitag, F., and Navarro, L., Uncertainty Management for the Retrieval of Economic Information from Distributed Markets., in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008, vol. 5291, pp. 106–119.
F. Rodriguez-Haro, Freitag, F., and Navarro, L., On the use of intelligent local resource management for improved virtualized resource provision: challenges, required features, and an approach, in HPCVirt ’08: Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on System-level virtualization for high performance computing, New York, NY, USA, 2008, pp. 24–31.
P. Escrich, Baig, R., Dimogerontakis, E., Carbo, E., Neumann, A., Fonseca, A., Freitag, F., and Navarro, L., WiBed, a platform for commodity wireless testbeds, in Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), 2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on, 2014, pp. 85-91.
P. Escrich Garcia, Baig, R., Dimogerontakis, E., Carbo, E., Neumann, A., Fonseca, A., Freitag, F., and Navarro, L., WiBed, a platform for commodity wireless testbeds, in {IEEE} 10th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, WiMob 2014, Larnaca, Cyprus, October 8-10, 2014, 2014, pp. 85–91.
P. Escrich Garcia, Baig, R., Neumann, A., Fonseca, A., Freitag, F., and Navarro, L., Wibed, a platform for commodity wireless testbeds, in Proceedings of the {IFIP} Wireless Days, {WD} 2013, Valencia, Spain, November 13-15, 2013, 2013, pp. 1–3.
J. Manuel Marquès, Navarro, L., and Daradoumis, A. T., WWG: a distributed infrastructure for learning in groups, in FIE’01: Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, 2001. 31st Annual, Washington, DC, USA, 2001, vol. 2, pp. 14–20.
J. Manuel Marquès and Navarro, L., WWG: A Wide-Area Infrastructure for Group Work., in WETICE’01: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies, 2001, pp. 342–347.
J. Manuel Marquès and Navarro, L., WWG: a wide-area infrastructure to support groups, in GROUP’01: Proceedings of the 2001 International ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work, New York, NY, USA, 2001, pp. 179–187.
O. Ardaiz and Navarro, L., Xweb: A Framework for Application Network Deployment in a Programmable Internet Service Infrastructure., in PDP, 2004, p. 398.
Conference Proceedings
R. Baig, Dowling, J., Escrich, P., Freitag, F., Meseguer, R., Moll, A., Navarro, L., Pietrosemoli, E., Pueyo-Centelles, R., Vlassov, V., and Zennaro, M., Deploying Clouds in the Guifi Community Network, IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Network Management (IM 2015). IEEE, 2015.
R. Brunner, Freitag, F., and Navarro, L., Self-regulation of Timeliness, Messages and Accuracy in Large-scale Information Aggregation, The 14th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS-2011). 2011.
L. Joita, Rana, O. F., Chao, I., Chacin, P., Freitag, F., Navarro, L., and Ardaiz, O., Service Level Agreements in Catallaxy-Based Grid Markets, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing. Springer US, Boston, MA, pp. 387 - 396, 2008.
