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Filters: Keyword is Community network and Author is Leandro Navarro  [Clear All Filters]
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D. Vega, Cerdà-Alabern, L., Navarro, L., and Meseguer, R., Topology patterns of a community network:, in 1st International Workshop on Community Networks and Bottom-up-Broadband (CNBuB'2012), Barcelona, Spain, 2012, pp. 612-619.
D. Vega, Baig, R., Cerdà-Alabern, L., Medina, E., Meseguer, R., and Navarro, L., A technological overview of the community network, Computer Networks, vol. 93, pp. 260 - 278, 2015.
Community Networks
F. Freitag, Pueyo-Centelles, R., and Navarro, L., Building Microclouds at the Network Edge with the Cloudy Platform, in 2017 IEEE 7th International Symposium on Cloud and Service Computing (SC2), 2017.